Wednesday, December 31, 2014


A staple of the adventurer's support network, barmaids are themselves surprisingly skilled combatants thanks to the bar-room brawls they frequently find themselves in the midst of. More importantly, however, is the mystical art of their ability to brew and mix magically potent drinks for their customers. Though they are found amongst all races, barmaids (sometimes known as bartenders) are particularly famous and revered among the lusty and liquor-loving dwarves.

To qualify to become a barmaid, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
    Skills: Bluff 6 ranks, Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks, Profession (barmaid) 4 ranks.
    Special: Evasion class feature

Hit Die: d8.
Base Attack Bonus:  Good
Good Saves: Reflex and Will.
Poor Saves: Fortitude.
Class Skills
The barmaid's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Special Abilities by Level
  1. Elude, fury 1/day
  2. Brewmeister (1st-level)
  3. Additives 
  4. Brewmeister (2nd-level)
  5. Fury 2/day
  6. Brewmeister (3rd-level)
  7. Mixed drinks
  8. Brewmeister (4th-level)
  9. Fury 3/day
  10. Brewmeister (5th-level)

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the barmaid prestige class.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The barmaid gains no proficiencies in weapons or armor.

    Elude (Ex): The barmaid can add her Charisma bonus as a dodge bonus to her Armor class and to Reflex saving throws. This bonus only applies while she is wearing light or no armor; medium or heavier armor prevents this.

    Fury (Ex): A barmaid can fly into a rage-like fury a certain number of times per day. In a fury, a barmaid temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Charisma, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but she takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. While furious, a barmaid cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can she cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. She can use any feat she has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. While furious, a barmaid gains the benefits of the Diehard feat and can fight without penalty until she reaches -10 hit points. A fit of fury lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Charisma modifier. A barmaid may prematurely end her rage. At the end of the rage, the barmaid loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless she is a 10th-level barmaid, at which point this limitation no longer applies).
    A barmaid can fly into a fury only once per encounter. At 1st level she can use her fury ability once per day. At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, she can use it one additional time per. Entering a fury takes no time itself, but a barmaid can do it only during her action, not in response to someone else’s action.

    Brewmeister (Su): At 2nd level, the barmaid begins to develop the deeper secrets of the brewer's trade. She can create magical tonics and drinks akin to potions in their use but far superior in their taste. Brewing a magic beverage requires 10 minutes per level of the spell involved, and the brew lasts for 8 hours before it becomes magically inert. A barmaid can have a number of beverages equal to her barmaid class level plus one-half her level in other classes active at any given time; any created beyond this limit are simply inert drinks. At 2nd level the barmaid can brew 1st-level beverages, increasing at every even-numbered level to a maximum of 5th-level brews at 10th level.
    In order to brew her beverages, a barmaid requires an alchemist's still (a small, portable version of an alchemist's lab and a still that costs 50 gp and weighs 20 lb) and a flask for each brew. A suitable alcoholic base to go with the alchemical mixer is optional, but recommended.
    The beverage brewed uses the barmaid's class level as the caster level. She can improve this by +1 with a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check, increasing by a further +1 to the effective caster level by each 10 she exceeds the Craft DC.
    1st-level Brews: bless, burning hands*, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, divine favor, endure elements, enlarge person, feather fall, jump, longstrider, mage armor, magic fang, produce flame*, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, reduce person, remove fear, sanctuary, shield of faith.
    2nd-level Brews: aid, alter self, barkskin, cat's grace, cure moderate wounds, bear's endurance, bull's strength, darkvision, delay poison, detect thoughts, eagle's grace, flaming sphere*, heroism, invisibility, lesser restoration, protection from arrows, rage, resist energy, scorching ray*, see invisibility, undetectable alignment.
    3rd-level Brews: cure serious wounds, dispel magic, fireball*, glibness, greater magic fang, haste, nondetection, protection from energy, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, water breathing.
    4th-level Brews: cure critical wounds, death ward, divine power, fire shield, freedom of movement, greater heroism, neutralize poison, polymorph, restoration, spell immunity, stoneskin, tongues.
    5th-level Brews: animal growth, awaken, baleful polymorph, break enchantment, righteous might, spell resistance, transformation, true seeing, wall of fire*.
    *: Brews marked with an asterisk are an exception to the usual rule of the beverage targeting the drinker. The drinker may consume the beverage and designate a target for the spell as a standard action. It still uses the barmaid's level as the effective caster level.

    Additives: At 3rd level, the barmaid learns the knack of adding alchemical ingredients to her brews in order to replicate metamagic effects. She gains one metamagic feat as a bonus feat, and may apply any metamagic feat she knows to her brews, increasing their level just the same as increasing the level of a spell modified by a metamagic feat.

    Mixed Drinks: At 7th level the barmaid has mastered combining different brews to create new mixed drinks. She may combine the effects of different brews into a single beverage, but their sum total of levels must not exceed the maximum level she can brew. Thus, at 7th-level, when she can create 3rd-level brews, the barmaid can create a beverage with a 1st-level and a 2nd-level brew or three 1st-level brews.
    If the barmaid applies an additive to the brew, it considers the whole to be a single spell - so a barmaid capable of creating 4th-level brews could use Extend Spell on a brew of bull's strength and mage armor, itself a 3rd-level brew before being Extended, applying the metamagic feat to both to create a 4th-level beverage rather than 5th-level (as would be if it applied to bull's strength and mage armor separately).

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Naga (Lesser)

Male nagas are called nags, female nagas are called nagins. Nagas are an ancient and long-lived race. They are related to kobolds, troglodytes, and lizardfolk, as well as the greater nagas.

    Personality: Nagas are curious and resourceful creatures. They are also surpassingly patient, though they can be rash and prone to anger when threatened with violence. Nags tend to think in terms of predator and prey, hunter and hunted, winners and losers, problems and solutions, while nagins prefer to examine all aspects of a problem. Nags are swift and dramatic in action when they feel it is called for, while nagins are slow and methodical at the best of times.

    Physical Description: Nagas have humanoid torsoes and heads but have serpentine tails where a human would have legs. They rise to about four feet in height, though their tails are around eight feet long and they weigh around four hundred pounds. Nags are larger and heavier than nagins; unlike most reptillian creatures, the males are larger than the females. A nag's skin is covered in thick, rigid scales, bony alligator-like scutes on the back and shoulders while the underbelly has lighter-colored scutes like those on a serpent's belly. His head is large and monstrous, something like a draconic snake while his neck flares out into a hood like a cobra's. Nags are preferentially carnivores, though they can eat some fruits and vegetables, while nagins are omnivores who eat as wide a variety of foods as humans. A nagin has a human-like head and torso with smooth tan skin and long, human-like brown or black hair, while her serpent tail has lighter, smoother scales, a narrow ridge down the spine, and a sharp stinger at the end. Naga eyes have round pupils with brown, green, or grey irises. Naga scale colors vary, but they are most commonly a complex pattern of browns, blacks, and greys with white and green highlights. Nagas often paint their scales with bright colors, typically patterns of blue, red, yellow, or green. Because nagas often apply oils to their skin to preserve and protect it, they only rarely molt after reaching adulthood.

    Nags typically do not wear any but the most practical garments, often just a belt with pouches, a vest with pockets, or a warrior's harness. Nagins, on the other hand, don blouses with sashes wound round their waists. When called to battle nagas don chainmaille hauberks under loose tunics, wielding shields and spears, falchions, daggers, and shortbows. They have a wide variety of esoteric weapons that more advanced naga fighters wield, such as the sai, the bagh nakh, chakram, punching daggers, and others. Nagas consider it barbaric to fight with their natural weapons, though there is significantly less stigma against a nagin's sting than there is against a nag's bite.
    Nagas reproduce by laying eggs, though they only do this once every century or so. Young nagas are relatively self-sufficient, living on their own as ordinary serpents for the first few years of their lives. Once they begin to develop arms, their parents take them in and raise them. Only about one or two in a clutch of a dozen eggs will survive the first few years, and even under the best of circumstances a full half will remain mere serpents their entire lives, but nagas see this as a necessary thing to strengthen their race. They are mature at about age fifteen and most only live to see sixty or seventy, though nobility and others who have access to superior medicine can live for a thousand years or more.

    Relations: The race nagas interact with most are the scaled ones of the Szatac. They feel smugly superior to the dimwitted lizardfolk, but there is little more animosity between the lizardfolk and the nagas than there is between the human peasant and the aristocrat. Relations between nagas and the softskin mammal races are cool at best.

    Alignment: Nagas have a tendency towards lawfulness, but run the range of alignments.

    Naga Lands: Nagas are most commonly found in tropical jungles, where they establish small settlements in secluded areas far from humanoid civilization. They often have tribes of lizardfolk enslaved as warriors, guards, and laborers. Such lizardfolk are generally better-equipped than their fellows.

    Religion: Nagas revere the ancient spirits of the land and their ancestors - including the great primordial beasts, dinosaurs. Nagas regard dinosaurs as sacred beasts, and one consumed by a carnivorous dinosaur is considered blessed in their next incarnation. They believe that lives are like the skins they shed; each incarnation is merely another skin the true self, the soul, wears in its metalife as it grows towards enlightenment.

    Language: The naga language draws heavily from Draconic, particularly the dialect spoken by green dragons, and is recognizable as a variant of such.

    Names: Nagas name their offspring once they adopt them into their homes. Nags traveling abroad use their father's name for a surname, while nagins use their mother's. Both genders append the name of their home town to their name. Thus, a nag named Sisuroman from Chali whose father was Karkotaka would call himself Sisuroman Karkotaka of Chali.

        Male Names: Aswasena, Balarama, Karkotaka, Mucalinda, Sisuroman,
        Female Names: Harina, Kuthara, Manasa, Padmavati, Sukhana, Ulupi, Vasuki.

    Adventurers: Nagas, a curious and resourceful race, take well to adventuring.

Naga Racial Traits
 - Ability Modifiers: Nagas have a -2 penalty to Wisdom, being either rash and prone to anger or circumspect and slow to act.
 - Medium-Sized: As Medium creatures, nagas have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
 - Monstrous humanoid (reptilian, shapechanger). Unlike most monstrous humanoids, nagas lack darkvision but instead possess low-light vision.
 - Speed: Naga base land speed is 30 feet.
 - Natural Armor: Nagas have a +1 natural armor bonus.
 - Natural Weapon: Nags have a bite attack which deals 1d4 points of damage as a primary natural weapon. Nagins lack the bite, and instead have a sting attack which deals 1d4 points of damage as a secondary natural weapon. Both genders can use their natural weapons in conjunction with weapons wielded in their hands as secondary natural weapons. If the naga has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, they can instead opt to use their natural weapon as an off-hand weapon.
 - Naturally Psionic: Nagas begin play with a power pool of 1 point. This does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as a psionic class.
 - Weapon Familiarity: Nagas treat bagh nakhs, chakrams, and sais as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
 - Alternate Form (Sp): The naga can assume the form of a snake, type chosen at 1st level and cannot be changed afterwards. Transformation requires a full-round action and provokes an attack of opportunity. The naga may assume either the form of a constrictor snake or a viper. Doing so consumes 1 power point, plus 1 pp per hour spent in snake form after the first. A constrictor naga of 1-5 HD assumes the form of a Medium-sized constrictor, while one of 6 or more HD assumes the form of a giant constrictor. A viper naga assumes the form of a Small viper, increasing to Medium at 3 HD, Large at 6 HD, and finally a Huge viper at 9 HD.
    A nagin is able to assume the form of a human woman as well as that of a snake. She always assumes the same appearance each time, and her features are recognizable between both her forms. This is a less demanding transformation, and she requires only 1 power point per eight-hour period to maintain the transformation. In human form the nagin loses her sting attack but is able to use human equipment and pass among humans without notice (effectively a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks to pass as a human).
 - Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic. Bonus Languages: Goblin, Sylvan, Giant, Orc. Nagas learn the languages of those they deal with.
 - Favored Class: Psychic Warrior.
 - Level Adjustment: +0.