Though they most often serve as cohorts, a blink dog might serve a Small master (such as a halfling or gnome) as a mount. In such a case, the blink dog can bring its master along with it when it uses its dimension door ability, and synchronizes its blink with its master's when the master is under the effects of a blink ability (as either through the spell or a ring of blinking).
Blink dogs who advance with class levels find cleric, fighter, and paladin to be natural matches for their abilities.
Source: Monster Manual I p 28.
Hit Dice: d10.
BAB: Good.
Good Saves: All.
Poor Saves: None.
Good Saves: All.
Poor Saves: None.
Class Skills: The class skills for the blink dog (and the ability modifier) are as follows. Hide (Dex), Listen (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
- Starting traits, bite, scent
- +2 Str, +1 natural armor, Small
- +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 natural armor, Medium
- +2 Dex, blink, +3 natural armor, dimension door.
Starting Proficiencies: Blink dogs are proficient with their natural weapons.
Starting Traits:
- Ability Modifiers: -4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.
- Size: Tiny.
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Magical Beast traits: A blink dog has 60-ft. darkvision and low-light vision.
- Racial Skills: Blink dogs have a +4 racial bonus on Jump checks. They also have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
Bite: At 1st-level, the blink dog pup's bite attack deals 1d3 points of damage as a primary natural weapon. This bite improves to 1d4 when the blink dog is Small, and 1d6 when the blink dog is Medium-sized.
Small Size: At 2nd level the blink dog pup has grown about halfway to its adult size.
Medium Size: At 3rd level the blink dog pup has grown to its adult size. Its speed improves to 40 ft.
Blink (Su): A blink dog can use blink as the spell (caster level 8th), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.
Dimension Door (Su): A blink dog can teleport, as dimension door (caster level 8th), once per round as a free action. The ability affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after teleporting.
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